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For exporting images or objects that exist dilembar CorelDraw work into a file in explorer you must first select the object images to be exported using a pick tool so that the object image will look like there is a black box surrounding the object image. Then click the menu File> Export or by using the keyboard shortcut [CTRL + E].

It will exit the box export dialog box, select where you would put the export result file. If it has been named the file you want to export to the File Name box. Now select the export file format, there are several file formats commonly used, namely:

AI: adobe illustrator

When you have defined a file format (JPG I demonstrated here) then the Selected Only check apah checked or not. It means if you want exported image objects that were selected using the pick tool only, then activate the checkbox by clicking on the selected box only. And vice versa if you want all the image objects that exist on the worksheet to be exported CorelDraw then uncheck selected only, by default there is no check. Press OK to exporting.

Will exit the dialog box again sesuikan needs. Normally I would immediately press OK. Since it was a good result by default.

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